Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Spirituality and Life Changes


Life Another and Another ... Gift

Spirituality and Change

Apr 10, 2010

Saying For Today: Spirituality helps us navigate these burials and resurrections, as natural contours of life.

Welcome to OneLife Ministries. This site is designed to lead you prayerfully into a heart experience of Divine Presence, Who is Love. I hope persons of varied wisdom paths will find inspiration here.

Brian Kenneth Wilcox
MDiv, MFT, PhD
Interspiritual Teacher, Author

You are invited to join Brian at his fellowship group on Facebook – Inspirations for Living – Love, Joy, Peace.

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Why cling to one life
till it is soiled and ragged?

The sun dies and dies
squandering a hundred lives
every instant

God has directed life for you
and He will give
another and another and another.

*Rumi. The Rumi Collection. Ed. Kabir Helminski. “Why Cling,” Trans. D. Liebert.

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Persons speculate about before-life and after-life. We can now be led, supposedly, to "our" past lives through past-life regression. And this is called "therapy." In Western culture, also, belief in reincarnation seems on rapid rise.

I recommend a sane, wise doubt in these matters. This life we have, now. We live before and after many times in this life journey. Before we die, physically, we undergo many deaths. These deaths create a new life, a new beginning. We are not the same person from moment to moment, even each breath-cycle is a new death and new birth.

The seasons teach us this, also. Here I sit with the breeze and light of Spring, after one of our colder Winters in recent memory.

I cherish the night and day. I especially like the turning of night to darkness, and the time of darkness before early morning light.

Many are living into new work careers. Old careers are dissolving, and we ask, “What next?” That question points to the mystery of the potential of a new work-birth.

This week I have looked at my beard. From one year ago, when I had a beard, this new beard is much more colored with gray.

Much in our societies encourage a denial of these deaths. Rather than mourn the dyings, many resort to artificial denials, like alcohol and drugs, religious and spiritual addictions, plastic surgeries, blame of others' for the death of one's old way of life, resentments, … Now, rather than mourn the ending rightly, a doctor will gladly give us a pill to suffocate the natural letting go emotionally. Many means that might help, can easily lead to a shutting off of the naturalness of grieving endings and, thus, welcoming beginnings. How can I welcome the new birth, if I have not lived through the death of the old life?

Spirituality helps us navigate these burials and resurrections, as natural contours of life. Yes, God, however we see That, gives us life after life after life. But let us not turn too soon from the closed door, too soon to welcome consciously and rightly the opening to the new. And, also, let us not cling to the old, knocking for it to open again, when we need to trustingly place a hand on the knob of the new and turn it.

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In what ways do you see your life cycling through deaths and births? Are you experiencing a season of ending? Beginning? How are you applying spiritual wisdom and practices to help navigate through the change?

©Brian Wilcox, and OneLife Ministries. 04/10/2010

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*OneLife Ministries is a ministry of Brian Kenneth Wilcox, SW Florida. Brian lives a vowed life, as an Associate of Greenbough House of Prayer. He lives with his two doggie friends, Bandit Ty and St. Francis. He is a member of “United Communities of Spirit: A Global Interfaith Initiative,” for advancing understanding and peace among persons of different faiths and beliefs. Brian is a member of the on-line networks “Guru,” "Spirit - Heart - Flow," and “Peace for the Soul: A Common Space for Harmonic Peacemakers.” You can find postings of his poetry at Watermark Poetry on-line. You can join his person Facebook page at Brian Kenneth Wilcox.

*OneLife Ministries seeks to share the spirit of unity among all peoples of faith and humanity as a whole.

*Brian welcomes responses to his writings at briankwilcox@yahoo.com .

*You can order his book An Ache for Union from major booksellers.


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Spirituality and Life Changes

©Brian Wilcox 2025